Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction
Every Drug Should be Legal - Stand up comedy fun
Every Drug Should be Legal - Stand up comedy fun
Great fun on drugs from this American comic
Every Drug Should be Legal - Stand up comedy fun
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Deaths from Legal Highs rise to a high according to the ONS
Popular festival/recreational legal highs are causing more deaths than ever before according to statistics by the Office National Statics. ...
Ecstasy, the banned drug, to be trialed to treat trauma
Once vilified in the press the rave recreational drug of choice Ecstasy is increasingly being examined as the benefits of taking it are reco...
God squad come to the Drugs advisory council...?
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2011/jan/25/gp-drugs-advisory-council Not sure these are the sort of enlightened open minded ...
The dark side of Ibiza & drugs article
An article from the papers today talking about the dark side of Ibiza and its changing drugs culture and seedier side which is worth a read....
New research says LSD & Magic Mushrooms do not cause mental heath problems
Newspaper reports today state that researchers have stats that prove that LSD and Magic Mushrooms do not cause mental health and great fear ...
Mephedrone use on the increase? Did banning it increase its popularity?
A story local to Fantazia's home town of Cheltenham (which surprisingly has a high incidence of drug taking) about the rise of Mephedron...
Play Virtual Drug Dealer and beat my score of $1.7 billion
We have added to the Fantazia website today the Virtual Drug Dealer script. While a way a few minutes and see if you can beat our first gam...
Police warn of possible deadly batch of Ecstasy that is actually
Police are reporting that a number of people have died after taking Ecstasy in the North of England over the past month and therefore users ...
Interesting Documentary about Opium addiction and its history
Interesting Documentary about Opium addiction and its history now showing in Iplayer. Worth a watch http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b01p65z1/
Do drugs make you ugly? Dramatic change in some...
Bit of a shocker but is this typical and do they have the same effect on all or are these people just not looking after themselves? Well I ...
Drug statistics
Drugs Council
Famous People
Legal Highs
Magic mushrooms
War on Drugs