The ravers favourite drug ecstasy is back. After years of declining use brought about by the drugs dropping level of the active ingredient MDMA that made it so good to use and relatively safe compared to the alternatives its use as a club drug is growing once again. As MDMA concentration has grown the price has for the purer pill is increasing to. Gone are the £1 pill that did are MDMA power/crystals and a new experience apparently where groups share their powder making it a more social experience like cocaine use.
If its the start of the fading of the legal highs and other replacements I think its a good thing. They have always been more dangerous than the real thing and less people will die. We say make Ecstasy legal and tax it to pay of the national debt. Whats your experience and thoughts?
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Ecstasy is back as MDMA content rise and clubbers learn to love it again
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